According to a recent national survey by McCrindle Research, 99% of Australian parents think that it is important to teach values to Australian school students. 84% believe that Australia’s Christian heritage has been influential in shaping those values.
Many parents choose Christian RI for their children, even if they don’t regularly attend Church, in order to give their children the opportunity to question, explore and discover faith and Christian values for themselves as part of a holistic education.
Volunteer RI Instructors from local Christian Churches come together to offer “Christian RI”. These denominations may amongst others include Anglican, Australian Christian Churches, Baptist, Catholic, Churches of Christ, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Salvation Army and Uniting Churches.
Christian RI provides a safe environment for children to develop a positive self-image, identity and resilience. It gives young people an opportunity to form their understanding of the morals and values from the teachings of Jesus.
You don’t need any formal training, curriculum and support are provided, just a love of children and teaching the truth.
For more information contact the office to be connected with your area coordinator.