The Bali Street Kids Home is located in the Karangasem Regency on the East Coast of Bali. It was founded by Ibu Tina, an Indonesian woman who started working with street kids in the slums of Denpasar in 1995. Although raised as a Muslim in childhood, she became a Christian through an outreach by Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and then completed a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with this organisation. With incredible faith in God, she rented a house in 2000 to provide shelter and a chance for an education to rescue street kids from their cycle of poverty in Bali.

Shaun and Jody Lewis have been involved in the support of this Kids Home for over 18 years now, and as a church we are committed to raise awareness of the needed finances for education for the children.

If you are led to partner with us in prayer or finances and wish to receive updates from our newsletter, please contact Jody Lewis on 0412 842077 or email