Ps. Josh & Kristyn Usher
Ps Josh and Ps Kristyn have been a part of the Noosa Church family since 2000 after relocating from Western Australia and very quickly came to call Noosa home. Their heart is to see people’s lives transformed, limitations removed and purposes found. All within their mission to nurture the broken, restore identity, equip for life and influence humanity, all on a safe foundation of truth, grace and love.
Josh has a vision to see this generation become a platform for those to come. For each person to understand the greatness of God in them, and that as they build relationship with God and their church family they would find true significance and hope for their lives and the lives of their children’s children.
Kristyn has a heart to see the chains on people’s lives broken off and a freedom to live in the hope of their potential with God. She has the gift of faith and a heart for grace, ‘all things are possible when grace is present’.
‘There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all”.
Ephesians 4:4 (NKJV)
Josh and Kristyn believe that we will see God move as we embrace the reality that we are a people that have the passion to work in our strength and the maturity to serve each other’s strength. It’s a great privilege for them to walk side by side together with their daughters, Arabella and Siena, in their calling to serve as part of the body of Christ.